Friday 5 May 2017

Site Specific (12) - Scenes 2 and 3 & Casting

Scene 2:    We decided to get up and perform this today. We allocated parts at random and read for our characters in the space. We decided to have a table and two chairs for this activity. The characters involved in this scene are as follows: Proctor (Oliver), Elizabeth (Lorna), Mary (Hope), Hale (Rob) and Cheever (Lewis). Bearing in mind we had only actually read through this scene once, we were really pleased with how this turned out. Despite all staring at our scripts, not knowing what we are doing in the space and having not read as these characters before, I think everyone's characterisation and interactions were pretty good! We agreed that all our cuts made sense and we can see where our piece is heading now.

Scene 3:   We then decided that we would read through scene three, which involves the following characters: Proctor (Rob), Elizabeth (Hope), Mary (Kat), Abigail (Lorna), Danforth (Lewis), Cheever (Ollie), Hale (Oliver), Mercy (Lorna), Parris (James) and Hathorne (Oliver). This read through went well but we feel like we can cut this scene down a bit more.

  • Oliver (K):   John Proctor
  • Kat:              Mary Warren
  • Lorna:          Elizabeth Proctor
  • Hope:           Abigail Williams
  • Lewis:          Judge Danforth
  • James:          Reverend Parris
  • Rob:             Reverend Hale
  • Ollie (M):    Ezekiel Cheever
  • ((Taylor)):    Tituba
  • ((Chloe)):    Betty Parris

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