What went well:
- We all remembered the movement and it looked really effective
- Our transitions between each section were smooth and we went back to the correct chair
- We all put a lot of emotion into it by using our facial expressions
- I tried to use a contrast of dynamics when performing my duet section with Lewis, this was to trick the audience into thinking that I was the victim.
- There was a large gap between each section due to the music not coming in on time.
- At one point, the wrong music track came on due to technical difficulties.
- Our timing was a little bit dodgy at the beginning, due to the fact that we scrapped the quotes.
- We shall create a duplicate playlist on another phone, so if one goes wrong, then we can use the other one.
- Rhiannon and I shall lift Rob a little bit later to ensure that the rest of this section fits better with the music.
- We weren't 100% certain that our audience understood our piece completely so we shall adapt what some people say during their group sections to make sure they did get it. Also we have now created a projection PowerPoint that we shall play at the very beginning of our piece. This PowerPoint will be made up of questions such as "What would you do if you saw domestic violence happen in public?", "Does domestic abuse have to be physical?" and "Is domestic abuse gender specific?". This will ensure that our audience understands exactly what the piece is about.
- At the end of this lesson we also discussed Rob's character. To show that Rob is the same character in the opening and the councillor, we though that he could have a monologue at the beginning and then a short one at the beginning of the counselling scene. His first monologue could say how he "is stuck in the middle" and his later monologue could mention how he "was stuck in the middle". This monologue would introduce the abusers and victims and audience to the counselling session.