Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Directing (1) - Getting our scripts

In this lesson we began our new unit: devising. As there are only three of us in our class (Ollie, Lewis and I) we have been given a three person play called "Betrayal" written by Harold Pinter in 1978. Emma and Robert are married, but Emma is having an affair with Robert's friend and colleague, Jerry. The play presents the affair in reverse: starting from near the end of Emma's marriage in 1977, and ending with her and Jerry beginning their affair in 1968. In this lesson, we read through the entire play. Mr Falconar shall step in and play the minor role of the waiter for us. Below is a brief overview of each scene:
  1. 1977 - Spring - A Pub - Emma (38) & Jerry (40)   The two discuss their lives now and what they used to be like. The audience learnes that Emma is having a new affair with a man called Casey.
  2. 1977 - Spring - Jerry's House - Jerry (40) & Robert (40)   Jerry feels guilty for seeing Emma that day, so tells him. The two discuss the affair and Jerry finds out that Robert knew about the affair a long time ago. 
  3. 1975 - Winter - The Flat - Emma (36) & Jerry (38)   They talk about the flat, and getting rid of it. The end of their affair. 
  4. 1974 - Autumn - Emma and Robert's House - Emma (35), Jerry (37) & Robert (37)   The men discuss their children. The three discuss Casey's writing. The men try to arrange a date to play squash and have lunch. Emma asks to join them but Robert tells her she can't. 
  5. 1973 - Summer - Hotel in Venice - Emma (34) & Robert (36)   They discuss the book she is reading. Emma confirms to Robert about her affair with Jerry. Robert had guessed this the day before, but was "quite ignorant before this". 
  6. 1973 - Summer - The Flat - Emma (34) & Jerry (36)   Jerry asks Emma about her holiday with Robert. They discuss the book she read on holiday.
  7. 1973 - Summer - Restaurant - Jerry (36), Robert (36) & Waiter   Jerry asks about Robert's holiday. He realises he's been told a different story by Emma. They discuss books again and their jobs as publishers. 
  8. 1971 - Summer - The Flat - Emma (32) & Jerry (34)   Emma prepares their dinner. Emma mentions Judith (Jerry's wife). Emma tells him that she's pregnant with her husband's child. 
  9. 1968 - Winter - Emma and Robert's Bedroom - Emma (29), Jerry (31) & Robert (31)      Jerry is drunk. There is a party at the house. Jerry confesses his love to Emma. He tries to kiss her, and Robert walks in as she breaks away. 
Pinter leaves many questions unanswered with this play - the main one being did Robert actually know from the "beginning" / did he see Jerry kiss her? Pinter doesn't use many stage or voice directions, thus giving us more freedom with the play, and leaving it up to interpretation. There is a lot of emphasis on pauses and moments of silence.

Harold Pinter quotes:
  • One way of looking at speech is to say it is a constant stratagem to cover nakedness.
  • Good writing excites me, and makes life worth living.
  • The past is what you remember, imagine you remember, convince yourself you remember, or pretend you remember.
  • I mean, don't forget the earth's about five thousand million years old, at least. Who can afford to live in the past?  
What we are planning on doing in a lesson to come is make one massive timeline. This timeline shall not only contain what actually happened but when each character knew what. We all have to agree on when what character knows what, as this would alter how we play our characters. 

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