Tuesday, 13 June 2017

Site Specific (20) - Movement pieces

Opening:   We have now altered this to include Chloe and Taylor. We have kept the beginning section which happens in the square, but whilst this happens, Taylor and Chloe kneel at the front and do a hymn hands section (inspired by Frantic Assembly) to present Tituba getting Betty to drink the soup. Originally, after we had done our square section, we went in to a section where Hope (Abigail) would get us to all drop to our knees, however, now that we are using Taylor (Tituba) in this scene, we decided it would make more sense to use her. Therefore, we have got Taylor leading the ensemble, and instead of us dropping to our knees, we all move to our next positions - for the boys that is to the back ready for the lift, whist the girls drop to their knees facing the back. Originally, we had Ollie being lifted, but we then thought that Chloe would be ideal to be lifted as we could show that Betty is getting ill. However, Chloe isn't confident with lifts so we decided that our next best bet would be Taylor. This actually works really well, as it shows Tituba as manipulating the girls and makes the audience think that Tituba is guilty later on, which is ironic as the audience are then being as gullible as the people at the time. Once this lift has happened, Taylor returns to the front of the formation of us girls on the floor. We do a short repetitive sequence on the floor in cannon, starting with Tituba to show that she is leading it. Next Abigail and Betty join in, and then finally Mary and I. We all have hoods up at this point apart from Tituba so it doesn't matter too much about characters - as Elizabeth wouldn't have been there, but we wanted more of us for this sequence. Near the end of this section, Chloe starts doing her moves differently as if she is being taken over by a spirit (when really she is just falling ill). At the end of this piece, Parris walks on shocked and the girls scarper.

Accusations:   Although we have the option to add in Taylor for this movement section, we have decided against it, as it is not necessary.

Realisation:   This section is almost in reverse of the "accusations" movement piece, so we agreed that we weren't going to put Taylor in to this piece either.

Ending:   For our ending, we aren't using any music, instead we are all going to say the Lord's Prayer. We are not going to speak this in unison throughout - we all come in at different times but end up speaking in unison. Rob comes in first because he is the Reverend who is on the Proctor's side. I am the next person to join in as I am his wife and then everyone else starts to join in. We didn't want to do a lot of movement for this piece as we wanted to keep the ending quite simplistic as the final scene is very emotional. Instead we all walk on to random positions and simply stand there and speak the Lord's Prayer.

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