Monday 2 January 2017

Business (22) - Task F - Set & Props

Thankfully, we don't need to worry about the set (the flats and back wall) as the art department students, at the school, shall be painting it to gain more experience. The situation is the same for the car - the technology and art department are pairing up to make the car. Otherwise we could have been looking at around £400 for the car (

Below are the props needed throughout the show and how much they would have cost us (had our director not owned them from her previous show):
  • School books and backpacks for the Geeks ((Easily sourced))
  • 5 pair nerd glasses - £1.98 each ((Total = £9.90))
  • 5 trays for canteen scene + food ((Easily sourced))
  • Marty glasses ((£2.15))
  • Patty glasses ((£6.45))
  • Fake cigarettes ((Easily sourced))
  • People's "lunch" - i.e. filled brown paper bag ((Easily sourced))
  • Guitar ((Easily sourced))
  • Magazines & wine bottle ((Easily Sourced))
  • Marty's virgin pin ((£1.23))
  • Marty's ring & wallet of photos ((Easily Sourced))
  • Foam rubber dice ((£4.49))
  • Pom Poms ((£0.99))
  • 2 Twirling batons - £1.49 each ((Total = £2.98))
  • Bags of leaves ((Easily sourced))
  • Multiple hair combs and makeup ((Easily sourced))
  • 50s microphone prop ((£15.99))
  • Trophy ((£3.99))
  • Danny's ring ((Easily sourced))
  • Record player ((Easily sourced - can be made))
Total price (assuming we bought everything above) for the props would have been £48.17. If we also hired the car from the site mentioned near the beginning of this post, we would have been looking at spending (48.17 + 400) £448.17!

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