Rudolf von Laban was born on the 15th December 1879 and died on the 1st July 1958 (aged 78). He was a dance artist and theorist. He established choreology, which is the research into the art of movement. He believed that dance should be accessible to everybody, as it connected people to their communities.
Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) is normally split into these four categories:
- Body (sequences between different body parts / initiation / connections with others)
- Effort (direct to indirect / light to heavy / sudden to sustained)
- Shape (forms / change / quality)
- Space (kinesphere / spatial intention)
- Body (sequences between different body parts / initiation / connections with others)
- Effort (direct to indirect / light to heavy / sudden to sustained)
- Shape (forms / change / quality)
- Space (kinesphere / spatial intention)