Sunday, 13 March 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (19) (Party scene // Book)

In this lesson we completed our party scene (apart from having the final track made) and made some decisions on a scene order. Ollie and I spent some time polishing our dance phrase, whilst Kat and Rob went through the script together. After this, Kat and Rob read their script whilst Ollie and I did our dance so we could see what part needed lengthening, and if any of our dance needed adapting. Kat and Rob had a lot of script left over when Ollie and I finished, so we knew that we needed to add more to our dance anyway. Ollie and I also paid close attention to what Kat and Rob were saying and what point in our dance, so we could see if we could change steps around to ensure that our movements fitted exactly with what they were saying.

Afterwards, Kat began designing and making "the storybook", whilst Rob typed up the script so he had a copy, and Ollie and I discussed what we should do with our movement section. Kat has made a book cover for our "storybook"; she called the book "The Princess and the Party" to ensure it sounded like a child's book. This will be the book that Kat and Rob read from during the Party scene. The idea of this is to show that they are the same characters, but are acting their mental ages (suggesting their characters were silly, naive and immature at the party). Ollie and I came up with the idea of performing our chasing pavements motif for the rest of this scene (as not only does it fit perfectly with the gap we had but it makes sense!). We thought that by performing this motif during this scene to the "50 Shades of Grey" version of "Crazy in Love" shows that they had sex at the party and also shows the reality of this - the "Chasing Pavements" song suggests confusion but has connotations of them supporting each other, whilst "Crazy in Love" suggests confusion and greed.

After polishing the dance section, and altering parts to ensure that it consistently linked with the story and told a story itself (rather than just being a random dance), we discussed scene order briefly. Although this wasn't on our agenda for this lesson, we couldn't help ourselves as we had all come up with practically the same idea - begin with the party scene, with the book centre stage with a single spot light on it. We then came up with the idea of ending the piece with the sound scape (as then it would begin and end with a movement piece) as Katya and I would end hugging and could then pick up the book and end looking at it together. This could then suggest that our character is looking back at the events that happened, as if it were a biography on her life.