Friday, 18 March 2016

Devised Unit - Chasing Pavements (22) (Top and tail run // Costume)

In this lesson we did a top and tail run of our entire piece so we could focus on our transitions. We wanted to make our transitions as smooth as possible to make our piece seamless. The smoother our transitions, the more engaged our audience will hopefully remain - this is because the piece will be smooth as opposed to being disjointed and it looking like we do not know what we are doing. Katya also worked on our lighting to add more atmosphere to our piece and to make the audience feel more tense.

We then begun discussing costume. Ollie and Robert are still not entirely sure on what they are going to wear, but Katya and I have now decided. As we are supposed to be the same person, Katya and I shall wear black leggings, a black top, matching chokers and our hair exactly the same. We shall wear black leggings as we can move freely in them for our movement sections. We decided to wear black tops so our character is dressed in dark colours, which would form a contrast to the connotations of the noun "princess". The choker is to ensure the audience realise that we are supposed to be dressed the same, as opposed to just wearing all blacks. We are having our hair down to enable us to use our hair in the piece, but we shall have the top part of our hair up so it doesn't get in our faces as to ensure our facial expressions are visible at all times.

Katya then came up with a really dark but really clever idea for the Game show scene... instead of using boxes we shall use coat hangers. We shall have a costume rack set stage right throughout the entire piece. We will a number of coat hangers on this rack facing the same way. The coat hangers will all be numbered and we shall have "abort" or "no abort" on the back of them.

Next lesson we shall do an entire run through, as opposed to just a top and tail run.