- Oil cocktail - Brighella spots Harlequin attempting to drink a customers apple juice, so she swaps the apple juice for cooking oil - B&H
- Extendo fork - Harlequin tries to steal the customers food by using an extra long fork. Brighella and Harlequin end up having a fork fight over the customers heads - B&H
- These things do happen - Harlequin ends up dropping a very creamy cake on a customer. His response is to lick it off of them - H
- Zannis plates - Zanni follows Columbina, taking the plates off of her as she passes them to him. However, instead of collecting them to be washed, he licks them and puts them back down on the customers table - Z&C
- Captain and his ego - Captain ends up picking a fight with someone as he receives a complaint (which was supposed to be a compliment. This scene will show his arrogance and also his coward-side when confronted - IC
We then worked out our final scene order:
- Opening - Messy Kitchen (All)
- Prawn soup (D, P, IC)
- Restaurant name - (D, P, B)
- New waitress (D, P, C)
- Tasty notes (IC, C, H)
- Oil Cocktail Lazzi (B, H)
- Licking Plates Lazzi (Z, C)
- Cupboard love (D, IC, H)
- Golden Syrup (Z, C, D, IC, B)
- Extendo fork Lazzi (B, H)
- Captain's excuses (IC, ?)
- Zanni's entertainment (All)
What we need to do in our final rehearsal before our performance tomorrow afternoon is as follows:
- Do a costume run with all props
- Rehearse in the space
- Work with lighting
- Do a complete run through, focussing on transitions
- Make any adjustments to the piece to make it seamless