The picture shows our set for each scene: the circles represent chairs, the squares are tables and the ovals represent the sofa (or bed when it is perpendicular to the audience). We have made our set specific to each location - each location set is different to make it clear we are in a different place, but the same location will have identical set for each time we are in that location. Scene one and seven are the only scenes where we have just one table and two chairs - however, they are positioned differently, not only to show they are different locations, but because the situation is slightly different. Scene one is slightly awkward and tense as the two characters haven't seen each other for years and having a meeting essentially. However, they are still friends and deep down want to see each other - this is why they are at an angle to each other, they want to see each other but don't really know how to go about this conversation. Contrastingly, the chairs in scene seven are directly opposite each other - the proxemics here create a really tense scene full of subtle interrogation. I have blocked scene two so that Robert is sitting on the comfy sofa, whilst Jerry is sitting at his table - Robert is comfortable despite it not being his house (presenting how he feels he hasn't done anything wrong). I directed Jerry to be sitting at the table drinking to show how tense he is. Scenes three, six and eight are the same. Ollie had directed us to be by the table at a tense / awkward part (e.g. when Emma tells Jerry she is pregnant in scene eight), but on the sofa for cute moments (e.g. when they have the talk about throwing Charlotte up and catching her). For scenes five and nine we have positioned the sofa so it is perpendicular to the audience. I thought this would be appropriate as it then just looks like a chaise-long, and avoids the issue of trying to bring a bed on and off. These two scenes with a bed are turning points in the character lives - scene nine is the start of Jerry and Emma's affair, whilst scene five is where Emma's affair with Jerry is discovered by Robert and he confronts her.
As shown in my previous blogs, we have been working a lot on body language and intentions throughout this process. However, I feel we should do some research, sooner rather than later, on 70s clothing and furniture before making decisions on set and costume. We also need to have a discussion soon on how we are going to show different years and different times of year. Our performance is going to be on the 5th May in the hall. The lessons leading up to this need to include research on costumes and furniture, decisions on costume and physical set appearance, discussions and decisions on how to show time, full runs with scripts, line learning, full runs without scripts, and tech and costume runs... so we don't have much left to do! Therefore, we shall stop running through random scenes in the lesson as all the physical direction is complete, but as directors, we shall make decisions soon about how we shall actually do our performance.
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