Friday, 10 March 2017

Workshop (24) - Sing through

In this lesson, we sat down as a group and sang through as much of the show as we had time for. We used backing tracks for those that we could find, and used tracks with the vocals on for those we couldn't. We couldn't do all of the songs as we didn't have all of the cast present, nor did we have the time. Below are the songs we did, how they went and what we have left to do:
  • Prologue   -   Sounded really strong. All of the main cast (our actual double class, so not including Dan, Tom, Taylor or Alice) know this song off by heart. Full cast have sung and performed this number in full together. All that is left is for the additional cast to learn the song fully.
  • No Place Like London   -   Rob portrayed the right feeling with this number. This number has been staged, all that is left is for Rob and Tom to learn it off by heart.
  • The Barber and his Wife   -   Rob sang this song beautifully; it fits perfectly in his range and is a comfortable song for him.All we have left to do for this number is to stage the transition during and after it, and for Rob to learn it off by heart.
  • Worst Pies in London   -   I struggled with this number today as it was a track I wasn't used to, so the timing was different. I struggle with this song anyway because of the timing but I am getting there with it. This is definitely the hardest song for me to sing. However, we have set this number, all I have left to do is learn it fully - both lyrics and actions.
  • Poor Thing   -   I found this number hard today because of track issues again, but am fairly happy with this number otherwise. I need to learn the lyrics and it still needs to be set (but this will require full cast).
  • My Friends   -   Rob and I managed to get our harmonies spot on this lesson. We are happy with this number and I think we both know it without needing our scripts. We just need to stage it.
  • Pirelli's Miracle Elixir   -   This number is fully staged and James knows it very well, but at times struggles with the lyrics, as it is a very 'wordy' song - so he just needs to get used to it really.
  • Wait   -   We decided to cut this number down as it is quite long and we don't need all of it as it is very repetitive and doesn't move the story along. All that is needed with this number is for us to go over the staging of it (as I originally sang the whole song) and for me to practice it so I remember what parts I sing and what parts we have cut.
  • Ladies in their Sensitivities   -   Ollie is speaking the song prior to this to the music - which I really admire him for as it is a hard thing to do. He had a listen to this song today but probably won't do it as it is quite challenging and doesn't aid the plot.
  • Pretty Women   -   The boys sang this lovely. The harmonies on the whole are spot on - but they need to work on the ending, as it is quite challenging. They have staged it and pretty much know it without needing their scripts.
  • Epiphany   -   This number is fully staged now and Rob is so good at it! This song really suits him, but he needs to learn it off by heart.
  • A Little Priest   -   We have also fully staged this number. We managed to get our harmonies and timings right for this number, but we still need to learn it off by heart and practice it, because it is very fast. We also need to practice the dancing side of this too!
  • God that's good   -   James and I got the majority of this right, but issues lie with the part where we sing different tunes. We have staged this number and almost know it off by heart, but we need to work out how we are going to solve these issues.
  • Johanna (Quartet)   -   Some of us stood in for people that weren't there, so Rob could sing this song. He seemed to know this song quite well - we just need to get everyone to sing it together and stage it.
  • By the sea   -   I think I sang this one okay, but I still need to learn it thoroughly. However, we have staged it all now.
  • Not While I'm Around   -   We are currently having a few issues with this song at the moment, but it is all staged. We just need to spend a bit more time on this number to decide what we are going to do with it.

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