Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Site Specific (5) - Movement piece

In this lesson we returned to the movement piece we began a few lessons ago. We decided to cut the part where we all dropped to the floor at different times, as this was quite weak in comparison to the rest of our piece so far. We began this lesson by going over everything we did a couple of lessons ago, and polished our movement. The part where we swapped positions was messy before, so we needed to find a way so that we didn't crash into each other, but could still get to our positions on time. Therefore, we all agreed with our partners which side we shall pass them on, so no one would crash. After we polished what we already had, we created a new section.

James and Rob pick up Ollie M by his legs in a pencil lift. Once he is held in this lift, he goes limp and falls backwards into Ollie K's and Lewis' arms. The four of them lift Ollie up level, and then push him upwards, and then he lands with his arms around Lewis and Ollie. Rob and James walk off. Ollie is put down on the floor and Ollie K and Lewis then walk off. Meanwhile, Kat, Hope and I have walked away from the circle and are in a line at the front. We shall do a sequence of similar but different movements on different levels - we haven't decided what movements we are going to do, but we have got ideas from our research on the rituals. After these movements, we shall do some floor work, so the section of Ollie being thrown up and then put down is visible. The purpose of this section is to show the three "witches" supposedly doing their ritual, and the consequences to what they are doing is happening behind them. This presents how superstitious and gullible people were at the time.

We are wanting to do this movement piece outside on the grass - but we have a lot to take into account. We need to see how even the ground is to ensure that all lifts are safe. We also need to make sure that the ground is clean - not containing any broken glass or twigs or protruding roots - to ensure that if we do floor work, we are not at a high risk of injury. 

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