Friday, 21 April 2017

Workshop (33) - Full run to page 144

In today's lesson we did as much of a full run as we could in the time we had. We managed to get page 144, but discussed how we would do the end section. We went over at what points in the script the tracks need to be played and made a note of what tracks needed to be altered. This was the first time we did a run without scripts... unfortunately this didn't go as well as we had hoped! Some cast members needed a bit of prompting but we just about managed it. Our main focus over the next couple of days is to make sure everyone knows all of their lines!

Cutting sections:   Last lesson we cut "God That's Good" as it wasn't necessary and we didn't have time to perfect it, but we decided to cut more dialogue today as there were sections we hadn't done (and also our show was still running longer than we had intended). Depending on how it goes in our rehearsal on Monday, we might cut the scene between Johanna and Turpin on page 49 - they have never done it together as Alice isn't in our lessons. We aren't worried about this scene as it is not essential to the plot, so if we do end up cutting it, it won't matter. We cut the section with Toby in the bakehouse (on page 134) as it isn't needed. By cutting this, we are not only saving time, but also avoided the complications of making it look like James is in the bakehouse. We have also decided to cut the asylum scene as it is another section of script that is not really needed but is making our show longer. The audience knows the Anthony has gone to rescue her, but they don't really need to know what happened to them, just the fact that Todd never got to see her. As we have cut dialogue, the track that I made for dialogue to go over is now no longer needed! My section of song and Taylor's part will now be sung a Capella - this actually works really well as it sounds more eerie.

Tracks:   After today's lesson, we found that the track for "No Place Like London" wasn't quite right - I tried to fit in the lyrics in the script, not realising that they were wishing to do the film version. I cut this track again with Rob at the end of this lesson, to ensure that he was happy with it. I have now also made a new track to go between this song and "Worst Pie's in London" so Rob has some music to travel in - in our rehearsal Monday, we shall quickly work out his movement - this section will involve everyone doing round-by-throughs and just general moving frantically to create a busy London scene. We have left this for Monday as we will have everyone in the rehearsal so we can slot this together easily. I have also edited a piece of music to be played whenever anyone is killed, thus helping to form a motif in our piece.

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