Thursday, 11 May 2017

Directing (21) - Evaluation & Pictures

Overall, we were really happy with our performance. Throughout the rehearsal process we were debating how we were going to show that the play isn't in chronological order, whilst maintaining a practical naturalistic style. We instantly ruled out placards and narration, but we did try to alter our costumes to show time. We did consider having the front page of a newspaper from the year projected, but decided against this as some scenes are in the same year, and a newspaper projection may be distracting. For a while we considered not having anything, apart from information in the programme about what year each scene is set it - however, we were anxious that if people didn't look in the programme, then they may get confused and are less likely to pay attention to the play. We therefore decided that we use a very simple projection, simply stating the year of the scene. As we were in the hall, we could project on to the actual projecting screen in the hall, meaning that the projection was higher up and not interfering with our piece.

Our audience really enjoyed our piece and we had some lovely feedback. Throughout the play, everyone was deadly silent and seemed engrossed in the performance - they told us our characters were really believable (which is good to hear when trying to do a naturalistic play!). The general feedback was that they didn't want any of the characters to be together, they felt sorry for Robert and disliked Jerry at the end. Thankfully, all of our work on subtext seemed to pay off as they said they were surprised at how they felt about the characters by the end, as this was completely different to how they felt about them in the beginning. Other comments we received was that the use of long pauses made it feel really awkward (which was the feeling we were going for) and that the use of set and space was effective at showing the characters relationships at that point.

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