Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Theatre in Education (5) - Page 48 to 58 & Page 74 to 78

Staging:   Due to exam season approaching, it will be difficult for us to book the school hall - it will be possible to get a date, but difficult to be able to book it for extra rehearsals in the space. Therefore, we have decided to change our performance venue. We shall now be performing in the drama room C5 - we are glad that this has happened as we agree that C5 will actually be a better venue for us anyway. Not only can we rehearse in this room every day, but we are able to light it more easily and we can use the curtains as wings. We propped the four white curtains (which two hang at that back wall and one on both side walls) further forward with chairs to give us space behind them to use as wings. We positioned the chairs so they were facing the wall, meaning we would be able to put any props we need on these chairs. It has also enabled us to have more entrance and exit points.

Page 48 - 58:   The beginning of this section is Puck telling Oberon what he managed to do with Titania - he used a potion to make her fall in love with Bottom, who now looks like an ass. The two then hide as Hermia and Demetrius enter. Demetrius is angered as she believes Demetrius is responsible for Lysander's disappearance. After their argument, Hermia leaves and Demetrius sleeps. Oberon and Puck re-enter. They have seen the whole argument as we have positioned them centre back, between the two curtains - this enable more room for comedy as they can move their heads between the two (as if watching the ball at a tennis match). Later in this scene, Demetrius and Lysander are both confessing their love to Helena, but she is livid as she thinks they are both taking the micky out of her. When Hermia then enters she is shocked and confused. We read through the majority of this bit, but we are leaving this section until we have done our research and all completely understand what is being said. We shall add movement in to this when we know our lines for this scene as we are wanting to add some fights in. Lysander and Demetrius shall fight, whilst Helena and Hermia have a cat-fight - we thought we could make this really comical, maybe I could pull Helena's wig off.

Page 74 - 78:  This section finds the four lovers all in love again and in the right pairs - Helena and Demetrius; Hermia and Lysander. This scene was difficult in terms of spacing, and entrances. We spent time working out where it would make sense for characters to enter and exit.

What we need to work on most is line-learning and making all of our characters completely different. I have made Snout and Starveling completely different in terms of voice and movement, but I need to make Titania, Hippolyta and Hermia different.

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