Thursday 27 April 2017

Directing (18) - Full run

In this lesson we did a full run of our play (with scripts) to the year below. This was the first full run we have done, as well as the first time we had performed any of the scenes to an audience. We asked them for feedback afterwards to see if the subtext and the work we had done on intentions came across. The general reception was that they quite liked Robert in the end, though thought he was mad for staying with Emma. No one really liked Emma and thought that Jerry seemed sweet to start with but didn't like him at the end. Our audience thought that none of the characters should be together, but did like Jerry and Emma together although they shouldn't be. No one believed that Robert hit Emma, especially when he held her at the end of scene four. The only character they truly felt sorry for was Judith!

What we have left to do until we are ready to perform:
  • Get off of script as soon as - as we will then spend a bit of time ensuring body language is all still okay, as our hands will now be free because we won't be holding scripts!
  • Work out who shall move what set and where to - when we did this run, whoever left that scene tended to move set as they left, and move set again when they entered. However, we want to assign jobs to ensure that we all know who moves what and when (to make our set changes as slick as possible). 
  • Run the piece with our actual set and in the space - as the set shall alter how we shall perform. For example, the different chairs shall make us sit differently, and we might have different body language when at a table. 
  • Run the piece with all props: glasses, jacket, keys, book, bottles, basket, table cloth, food on plates, trays, apron, mirror and brush. For a start we need to make sure we have all of these props and get used to using them, but also we need to figure out how we get these on and off stage and ensure we all know what props are needed for what scenes (which can be complicated as the scenes aren't in chronological order). 
  • Rehearse in costume as this may also change how we feel and move. 
  • Decide if we want to show time passing with projections or anything, or if we shall just perform it without.

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