Thursday, 3 November 2016

Musical Theatre (12) - On the stage

We now have Henri back so we went to the hall and ran through some numbers. We started with "Seasons of Love" to ensure that Henri remembered it all. The purpose of doing it on the stage was to work on our spacing. This song actually went quite well, bearing in mind we hadn't done this piece with Henri for ages. The only thing we needed to sort vocally was mine and Henri's duet section - we had to agree on how many dips we would do before coming down off of the note. The only other thing that needed adjusting was our placing on the line - we were off-centre so we all needed to shift to the left slightly.

Afterwards, we ran "La Vie Boheme". The first time we did this, it was lacking in energy, and people still don't know all of the words. Moreover, the sound was being lost as we weren't all projecting enough. The second time we did it was a lot stronger but it is still not where it needs to be in terms of energy. Before next lesson, we shall add in bits of movement just to ensure we have things to do as this will hopefully bring more energy in to the piece.

We also ran "Santa Fe". Originally, Henri, Lewis, Cameron and Owen sang centre stage, and Tyler, Warren and I would enter and stand with them when we joined in with the vocals. However, this felt and looked a little bit awkward. To rectify this, Tyler, Warren and I sit DSR throughout this piece. When not singing at the beginning we mime a conversation, and then join in with our part at the right time. This not only felt better but it made the piece more interesting to look at due to the levels and depth added.

To end this rehearsal, Henri and Taylor performed "Light My Candle". This piece looked really good as they remembered their movement, but the vocals didn't come across very strong. This was due to being in a larger performance space. Therefore, they did it again and had to really project on the second time by using their diaphragms more and increasing their volume. They also brought all of the movement further forward so that the sound was not being lost and dampened by the stage.

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