Monday, 7 November 2016

AAS (21) - PP&T - Character work

To begin this lesson, we went through the plot and style of the play with Hope, as she didn't go on the trip with us all to see it. We explained what her character was like and how she would need to deliver her lines. We then went through all the blocking together and then ran the scene a couple of times. Nearer the end of this lesson, we did some group character research and development. We wrote down what we knew about each character from the script of our scene and by watching the play, and also what we thought each of our characters thought about each character:

  • FACTS:
    Complicated character and very confused   //   Wants to work   //   Used to be an actress   //   Needs help. Knows she needs help but doesn't want to admit it    //   Depedend on drugs and alcohol   //   Uses many names: Nina, Emma, Sarah. Real name is Lucy   //   Parents unfair or just had enough / can't cope anymore?
  • PAUL (what Lewis thinks Paul thinks):
    Afraid to reach to God   //   Coward   //   "Another one"
  • FOSTER (what Ollie thinks Foster thinks):
    Has to follow procedures with her   //   Does care for her but knows he has to keep his distance
  • DOCTOR (what Hope thinks Doctor thinks):
    Trying to be confidential   //   Can't understand Emma   //   Always trying to escape reality   //   Poser
  • FACTS:
    Mentally unstable   //   Possibly schizophrenic   //   Gay   //   Partner of 18 years dies due to heroin over-dose
  • EMMA (what I think Emma thinks):
    Needs help   //   Unusual   //   Might have point as he seems passionate, but wasn't really listening
  • FOSTER (what Ollie thinks Foster thinks):
    Empathetic   //   Needs help, and wants him to do well
  • DOCTOR (what Hope thinks DOCTOR thinks):
    Problematic patient   //   Very loud   //   Clever
  • FACTS:
    Works at the institution   //   Nothing surprises him
  • EMMA (what I think Emma thinks):
    Angered that he took the cigarette   //   He's going to help, not hurt
  • DOCTOR (what Hope thinks Doctor thinks):
    Good listener   //   Middle man   //   Free spirit   //   Best patient I've had
  • FACTS:
    Works at the institution   //   Nothing surprises her   //   Confident
  • EMMA (what I think Emma thinks):
    Confusing   //   Doesn't know how to act around her   //   Looks like my mum
  • PAUL (what Lewis thinks Paul thinks):
    Unfair   //   Soulless
  • FOSTER (what Ollie thinks Foster thinks):
    Saviour   //   Boss / friend

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