Monday, 21 November 2016

Musical Theatre (20) - Act One Songs

In today's lesson we ran all of the songs that we have worked on from Act One:
  • "Tune Up #1"   -   Staging is all okay. Vocals were fine apart from being a little out of time to begin with.
  • "Voice Mail #1"   -   Alice sang this really well today. She knows this piece inside out and also where she has to stand. As she is very theatrical, she might have to tone her energy down a little bit or channel in in some other way, although it was very comical.
  • "Tune Up #2"   -   Staging and vocals were also good in this number.
  • "Rent"   -   Thankfully, we did this number quite well today. All vocals were accurate and the harmonies were balanced nicely. The only fault in this number today was that the choreography was a little bit out of time.
  • "One Song Glory"   -   This song started off really well today, but unfortunately Henri got confused on his lyrics. All that is left for this number is for it to be blocked and for Henri to be confident with his lyrics.
  • "Light My Candle"   -   This piece sounded really good but the pair lost focus a little bit due to the awkward section in the middle. This was completely understandable as it is awkward and they are not used to it yet. Moreover, Mr McKay would like to change the staging a little bit at the end to make Mimi seem more flirtatious and fiesty.
  • "Today 4 U"   -   This piece sounded fine but it needs to be blocked.
  • "Tango: Maureen"   -   Due to Mr McKay playing the original backing track for quickness, Cameron and I didn't do the dance today. However, on the whole our vocals were fine. The only parts that needs work in terms of vocals, are Cameron learning his lyrics for the sections he forgets and I need to get comfortable with the harmonies on the line "you pretend to believe her 'cause in the end you can't leave her".
  • "Life Support"   -   This actually went really well today. Our staging was fine and the vocals were good on the whole but the harmonies could do with going over a little bit to ensure they are tight and accurate.
  • "Another Day"   -   Today was the first time we sang this piece. We haven't staged it as we wanted to focus on the vocals first before adding blocking to it. We shall all learn this song off by heart and then we can start adding movement.
  • "Will I?"   -   Our positions look really effective for this number and our vocals are fine on the whole. However, we need to work on our ending to this song as we are all supposed to end at the same time (wherever we are in our round) and hold our final note on to form a chord.
  • "Santa Fe"   -   Vocally, this number was fine. However we decided to change the staging as it wasn't quite working. Instead of Warren, Tyler and I sitting DSR, we now sit on the L-Shaped steel decking. We stand up and have a bit of casual dancing / joyful movement on the line "we'll pack up all our stuff". This helps build the number in terms of atmosphere and energy and makes it more aesthetically pleasing.
  • "I'll Cover You"   -   This number sounded good but it is yet to be staged.
  • "We're Okay"   -   I know how this number goes, but as I haven't sung it for a long time, I had forgotten the lyrics so needed to use them today. I need to become confident with the lyrics and add some movement.
  • "Over the Moon"   -   Alice sang this really well today. However, it needs to be blocked and we need to decide if we are going to use pre-recorded backing vocals or if Taylor and I are going to sing the backing vocals for her live.
  • "La Vie Boheme A"   -   This number was fine but it still needs some more energy. Also Alice and I need to decide what we are going to do before "Hey Mister! She's my sister" and "We're close".

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