Friday, 2 December 2016

AAS (35) - CIDNT - Video of Rehearsal

This video shows our rehearsal from our lesson on the 1st December. This run-through was nowhere near polished as we had only just put James into the piece, where he had been off ill.

What went well?
  • The first Voice section leading up to the lift was very smooth. The slow motion was effective here as well. I think the use of the Frantic Assembly technique of round-by-through worked well in creating a busy atmosphere. 
  • Our transition into and use of a variety of different types of people was effective in showing what London is like.
  • The lift where Ollie is on Oliver's shoulders and is then thrown off.
  • Our use of different directions in the slow-mo section of the Ed and Christopher dialogue.
  • Our moment of stillness before the "train coming" dialogue, shows unity but creates a slight sense of tension.
  • I like our use of repetition with the "train coming" section being repeated again but slightly differently.
What needs changing / improving?
  • The first lift. We really need to practise making this slick. Our timing was wrong in this attempt. We need to have more of a momentum for this lift and James needs to almost pick Ollie's legs up, rather than trying to catch them and re-adjust them. 
  • We still need to record all of our dialogue and learn the lines that are spoken live. All of the Christopher lines will be live and not on the recording, so Ollie will not be miming to his own voice. 
  • The section of dialogue with Ed and Christopher - the slow motion needs to have bigger movements for it to work. We can't be miming on our phones as you wouldn't get a signal in a tube station. Also, Ollie could be moving at normal speed to emphasise how isolated he is.
  • When we record all of our dialogue, we will add music underneath and make it in to one long track to ensure we don't have the wrong section of dialogue played. 
  • With the section that the two Ollie's have just got back on the platform, having caught the rat, we need to make sure that mine, Kat and James' slow motion of watching the train go past is clear.
  • That we all go off on different tube stops at the end.

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