Friday, 9 December 2016

Business (19) - Task F - Tuck Shop

Lewis was also allocated the task of deciding what we would want for a Tuck Shop and roughly how many of each item we would require for the run of the show. Due to having to buy in bulk, some of the figures include a few additional items (but this wouldn't matter as they would either be used as spare or surplus for the next show, as they would still be in date). Below are the items that Lewis thinks we should have, the quantities of each and the websites he found that were cheapest:
  • 500 x Bottles of water   -   -   (12 x 500ml bottles = £2)
  • 600 x Coca Cola   -   -   (24 x 330ml cans = £7)
  • 500 x Diet Coke   -   -   (24 x 330ml cans = £7)
  • 450 x Mars Bar   -   -   (48 x 51g = £20.87)
  • 450 x Snickers   -   -   (48 x 51g = £20.87)
  • 450 x Smarties   -   -   (48 x hextubes = £19.79)
  • 450 x Haribo Starmix   -   -   (120 x 5p = £4.31)
  • 600 x Haribo Maoam Stripes   -   -   (100 x 10p = £5.87)
 Below are the prices per item and how much I think we should charge per item. I also worked out the overall profit we would make if we sold everything.

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