Classical Monologue: I spent the first part of this lesson learning my classical monologue off by heart. By not needing to hold the script, I could then work more on my movement. I have now decided what I am going to do in this monologue. James and Rob agreed that I need to keep a strong posture throughout, with my shoulders back and a long neck, to portray my character as being from a higher class and in a position of authority. They told me that I should keep the walk in that I did on the first line, instead of beginning centre, as it helps me get into character, as well as showing the audience that my character owns the place and can do what she wants. For this reason, I shall also pace now and again, when appropriate. I shall be using minimal hand gestures throughout, but keeping my elbows in to show that my character is quite refined. I shall put a lot of tension behind my hand gestures to present my character as being unpredictable. After walking in on the line "by day and night he wrongs me", I stand in one place, until that line "his knights grow riotous" when I pace to the left and back to the centre. This was to present my frustration with my father as well as my struggling to come up with a way to describe his knights. On the line "let him to our sister" I look away whilst throwing the back of my hand upwards to show that I don't care what happens to my father, and that I am willing to push him away. On the line "that still would manage those authorities", I pace to the right and back to the centre to present my anger.
Contemporary Monologue: I didn't spend much time on my contemporary monologue this lesson, as my focus was on my classical monologue (as I hadn't done it for a long time). Therefore I spent the majority of this lesson trying to learn the "Spacewang" monologue off by heart. Although this monologue is set in Withernsea, I am going to speak this monologue as if I were really common (as I would prefer to perform the monologue to the best of my ability with an accent I am more comfortable with, rather than get stuck behind the accent). However, I have decided what movement I shall be using for this. I shall use my hands a lot in this monologue and sit into either one of my hips (to show how casual she is and to form a contrast to the strong posture of Goneril). I shall work on this monologue next lesson as I am confident with my classical monologue now.
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