Friday 17 March 2017

Devising (24) - Performance Evaluation

What went well:
  • The books and transitions worked well
  • The movement worked well in the majority of Rob's scene
  • Rob's narration was effective
  • The dialogue in my scene was naturalistic
  • The right emotion was portrayed in my scene
  • The timing worked well for my scene
  • The movement in Lewis' scene was effective
  • The conversation in Lewis' scene had all the interruptions we needed
  • The narration for the motifs worked well
What could have been better:
  • Rob's narration could have been louder
  • There was an issue with timing during Rob's scene with the movement
  • The letter passing in my scene was a little bit messy
  • We didn't have as much as time as desired so Rob couldn't learn the piano part for my scene, but this worked okay in the end, as he brought on the telegram - meaning we didn't have to worry about differentiate Ollie as Harry and the postman.
  • Ollie's scene could have done with some lighting for when he falls backwards.
  • The bags were the wrong way round for mine and Lewis' scene - Lew should have had the white bag for mine, and Rob should have had the black bag for Lewis'.
What we shall ensure for the performance: 
  • All music is on a laptop so there are no interruptions or skipping on to the next track
  • All props will be carefully pre-set
  • We shall all speak louder

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