In this lesson, we decided to find some pictures to inspire us and to help us make decisions on where and when we will set our version of "After Troy". We couldn't really continue with our piece until we've made these decisions, otherwise we wouldn't how to stage our piece.
- An Abandoned underground station. We thought this was an interesting idea for staging (instead of a cave in the script) as it makes the piece modern, whilst keeping to the unsettling atmosphere.
- "Game of Thrones" costumes. If we decided to set our piece in the past but not in Greece, then we could have worn this style of costume.
- Decayed London. We could set our piece in the future, or in a decayed city.
- "We Will Rock You" musical. Obviously "After Troy" is not a musical, but I liked the idea of a bohemian setting and bohemian costumes.
- World War 2. Lewis came up with images of World War Two to give ideas of costume for the men.
- Ancient Greece. We could have kept the piece in its original setting of Ancient Greece.
- "Love Never Dies". Another musical, but an example of old-fashioned costumes for men, women and children, as well as an idea for home living.
- Ancient Greece.