Wednesday 14 December 2016

Auditions (31) - "Spacewang" monologue

I spent almost all of this lesson simply trying to learn my monologue. However, I did perform it once at the end, just to get some feedback on it to know what I should do with it next. My feedback was the following:
  • "Slow down. Vary pace" - I spoke my monologue at a very fast pace, as my character is very common and I felt she would speak quite fast. However, I did speak a bit too fast, meaning that some of my lines were lost at times. I need to speak slower to give the audience more time for what I have to say to sink in.
  • "Have a fag?" - It was suggested that I smoke a cigarette during this monologue to present my character as trying to be older than what she is, but she is still immature. By smoking a cigarette, it would give me something to do with my hands (as I have only done the monologue with a script in one hand) as well as slowing my pace down.
  • "Vary tone" - I maintained my common accent throughout the piece, but I need to vary my tone more so the piece isn't too repetitive and to bring out more of the comedy aspect of the monologue.

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