Thursday 15 December 2016

Business (20) - Task F - The Band

Having spoken to a member of staff at school, who also is involved with a theatre company outside of school, I have found out how much it will cost for the band. Below are the musicians we would require to put on "Grease":
  • Piano 
  • 1st Reed
  • 2nd Reed
  • 1st Guitar
  • 2nd Guitar
  • Drums
  • Bass
I was told the cost per musician per night would be £30 for this production. With four performances and a tech run and a dress run, we would be requiring each musician for six nights, thus costing us (6 x £30) £180 per musician. To pay for the entire band we would have to pay (£180 x 7) £1260, but as the drummer is a music student at the school and the pianist is a teacher at the school we won't have to pay for these two musicians - meaning our total cost for the band is (£180 x 5) £900.

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