Friday 18 March 2016

Commedia dell'arte (15)

We began today's lesson by discussing what we had done for homework. Lewis explained to the class what he thinks the staging should be like and showed us his detailed drawing. We all liked his ideas as the entrances and exits were clear, and every setting (such as the cupboard, the cooker and the table for the managers) was clear and logically placed. I then explained to the class my costume ideas which they agreed with would work well. However, we have decided that instead of skinny jeans, Charlie's character should wear drop-crotched bottoms as it would allow him to move more freely and shows his characters lazy side.

As we do not have the props still for the piece, we thought it would be a bit pointless to work on mine and Charlie's scene as it relies on the props. Therefore, we decided to move on to Zanni's entertainment scene. For this, we had to pick a song that James felt comfortable miming (i.e. a song that he knows the words too). Originally we spoke about doing Whitney Houston's "I will always love you" as we thought this would be very comical - however, James doesn't know the lyrics to this song, so we then began thinking about what really well known songs are there that James knows and would open up opportunities for more comedy. We eventually decided on Queen's "Bohemian Rhapsody". We thought this would be ideal as it mentions a "poor boy" that "nobody loves" (i.e. Zanni) and nearer the end speaks about having to go (which would work really well if we put this scene at the end - which we are now). We decided we wanted to involve everyone in this scene and make it as funny and as cheesy as possible! Therefore we decided that Lewis, Oliver and I would be sorting James out on stage and getting him ready to perform and then suddenly the light would come on - at this point the four of us would look out and we would have frozen in the beginning position from the music video of "Bohemian Rhapsody". We then choreographed the rest of the scene; the choreography involves fake candles, blow-up guitars and using our plants in the audience.

Next lesson, we shall film this scene so we can watch it back and see if there is anything we can alter to make it more comical.