Monday 21 March 2016

Commedia dell'arte (16)

Today we ran all of the scenes we have so far and began developing ideas for what we would like to do. We began by developing our opening scene. We begin with Pantalone and Doctor discussing when the critic would be arriving - this is to establish Lewis's and Ollie's characters, as well as the setting and the scenario. We then moved on to them coming in to the kitchen to see the place in a mess. During this scene all characters will be on stage, so the audience are introduced to all of them briefly and get an understanding of hierarchy (as it were) and the relationships between the stock characters.

After this scene we ran the "prawn soup" scene to ensure they still remembered it and that it was still tidy. This run through was actually the funniest they had done it as it was natural and fresh. This scene really showed the relationship between Pantalone and Doctor. We then moved on to the "New Waitress" and "Tasty paper" scenes. These scenes introduced Columbina and Harlequin better, showing Columbina's flirtatious nature and Harlequin's care-free attitude to everything. The next scene to be run was the "cupboard cuddles" scene, between Il Capitano, Doctor and Harlequin at the end. This scene was very comical and fits well with the Commedia dell'arte style due to its comedy.

Afterwards we ran the "syrup" scene, where Zanni attempts to style his hair, but we made some alterations. Instead of having Il Capitano come on and threaten Doctor, some people came up with the idea of having Brighella come on instead (as Il Capitano already has a lot of scenes). Instead of Brighella threatening Doctor, I came on and shouted at them, demanding to know what they were doing and why they were not following their orders. Angrily, I split them up with ease and told them to get to work. The three of them all look at my character in astonishment, shocked as to how I had split them up so easily when they had been struggling for so long.

The final scene we performed was our finale! We performed the scene leading up to Zanni's performance, and then the performance itself. We then discussed what we need to do next; what we have left to do is as follows:
  • get all the props
  • get costumes
  • paint and adapt masks so we are comfortable in them
  • devise a scene between Pantalone, Brighella and Zanni
  • inform the plants on what they will be doing!