Tuesday 1 March 2016

Storytelling (21) (The Snow Queen)

All we had left to do for my scene was to practice with the masks and for me to record my narration. Therefore, I thought I should do my recording before our lesson tomorrow. I knew that I wanted to have music underneath my narration as this scene is very movement orientated, so having music would help us keep in time. I obviously was going to choose an instrumental version of a song as having lyrics would distract from the narration. I therefore began to think of what sort of music I would like underneath my narration. I wanted to have fairly soft music that would then build when it came to the lift section. However, I had to be very conscious of my introduction, as the introduction is not only the introduction of my scene but is the introduction to the entire piece. I wanted to choose a song with a piano introduction as this is a soft and calming way to beginning but also feels a little bit lonely and isolated (as it is only one instrument) which foreshadows Gerda and Kay's separation. I instantly thought of "Seven Years" by Lukas Graham as the introduction is very soothing and the song builds slightly. I made sure the version I found was an instrumental version and then I read my narration over the top of the track. To my surprise, the song built in the exact place my narration built in tension and the song also faded when my narration ended. I had to listen to the beginning of the song a couple of times to work out when I would read the introduction and begin my scene. I did a test recording to check that the levels (how loud I was compared to how loud the song was) were correct before I read the whole piece.

The video in this post if my final recording of my narration. I am rather pleased with my recording as I ensured that I pronounced each word clearly to make sure that the audience would be able to understand everything I said and therefore would understand my scene. I varied my tone throughout the narration to sound more entertaining and to put emotion into my piece.