Tuesday 28 February 2017

Devising (17) - Rob and Lewis scenes

In today's lesson we tidied Rob's and Lewis' scenes and then performed them to the rest of the class, whilst filming them. We only did these two scenes today, and didn't move on to my scene or the motifs, but it was a good use of time. It was the first time we had done both of the scenes with the newly cut music.

Rob's Scene:
  • Track was perfect - timing was perfect and the feeling was right for them. Changes between each piece were smooth, with the fades.
  • Dialogue was good and all fit well - needs to be louder though.
  • Lewis was worried that we did our last part with Rob on the table in silence - but this actually worked quite well and is in the style of contemporary theatre, so we shall keep it like this. 
  • We just need to do this piece with the shoe laces, then we are complete.
Lewis' Scene: 
  • All got the movements and the walking correct
  • Transitions were fairly smooth from one section to another
  • Script needs editing to include more interruptions, fillers and back channelling to sound more natural
  • New script will need learning
  • Track with the questions and noise on needs to be made so we can do our naturalistic part at the beginning.

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