Thursday 17 September 2015

Brechtian devised piece - Refugees (1) (Stimulus)


Image result for refugees on a boatShortly after being told we were going to be doing a devised piece, our stimulus was revealed. We were given a photograph of refugees on a boat trying to escape their country to a safer environment. At first we began by making mind-maps of key words that related to the stimulus and that would give us inspiration for our piece. We decided to make a series of freeze frames to help us make a start with our devising.

To help us with our piece, our teacher gave us a script ("One million to STOP THE TRAFFIK"). We read the script as a group and decided we would take parts from it to use in our piece.

Instead of having a very serious piece, we decided to take what we had learned from our previous exercise ("Little Red Riding Hood" meets Brecht). As it is a difficult matter, we wanted to add a more upbeat feel. We decided to set our characters in a circus performance for our introductions, with Charlie as the ringleader introducing everybody else to the audience. Although we haven't completed our piece we have planned what we want to do at the end - we have decided to repeat the beginning scene but without the circus feel - our aim is to make the audience feel guilty for laughing (hopefully) earlier in our piece.

Our piece begins with Charlie centre stage introducing the characters one by one in a comical style - for example, my character is a child fighter, so whilst I entered with high kicks and a leap whilst making gun signals with my hands - Charlie stated that I was the "girl who can shoot a milk bottle from a mile away".

After all of the introductions had been made, we individually said our characters names, ages and where they were from one at a time. We then all repeated our statements over and over forming a soundscape, but each time we repeated our statement we became less confident and increasingly frightened. Charlie stopped us and made us pose again and smile.

Two freeze frames were formed whilst Charlie did a monologue: one monologue represented "chained" and the other presented "robbed". The third key word was "transported", so on this word all of the cast (apart from Charlie) left the stage like a train.