Monday 14 September 2015

London Riots Devised Piece (2)


In today's lesson, we annotated the images we had printed off in our first lesson. For the image of the burning bus, we came up with the idea of travelling destruction. The fact that the bus is a form of transport, and it is on fire, reminded us that the rioting and destruction travelled across many boroughs of London, and even outside of London too.
The photograph of the hooded youths (top right) made us come up with the word unity. Although this group of people were rebelling, looting and causing huge destruction, they were united in their beliefs and attitudes.

The "chav" walking in front of the burning vehicle looks very proud of his actions. This is due to the fact that he looks like he is walking as he is rather upright, whereas if he was running, he would be more crouched and his arms would be more free.

The final image (bottom right) shows a lady jumping out of her flat window into the arms of strangers. The woman has no choice left but to trust strangers and jump from her window, and into their arms.