Tuesday 22 September 2015

Brechtian Devised Piece - Refugees - (3) (Veronica // Child soldiers)

In this lesson, we performed our work so far to Robert, the new student in Double PA. We explained to him what we had done and our ideas for what to do next.

Originally, we had decided to go through everybody's backstories, but we soon realised that this would make our piece too long and confusing, so we decided against it. Instead we are only telling a couple of stories: Rhiannon's story into prostitution, mine and Robert's story of how we became child soldiers, and possibly one other.

We developed Rhiannon's scene further in this lesson; we worked on the part where she gets off the tube train with James, goes on holiday with him and then meets Charlie, the slave master. To show that Rhiannon's character is in a foreign and new land to her, we made sure that all of our focus was on her, whilst she would look around. Also, we made the ensemble's movements slow, whilst hers remained quite quick. The ensemble became a gang which James joined. The gang chased Rhiannon's character and, despite her efforts, managed to capture her. Her "efforts" to escape was presented through the gang standing in a group, whilst she would run at us and try to break through. She is then briefly reunited with James's character whilst meeting Charlie, but James shortly leaves, claiming he didn't know her and receiving a handful of money for doing so.

Also, we made a start on the child soldier scene. Robert and I began the scene as children playing a shooting game, like Cowboys and Indians. Every time either one of us died we got back up after and carried on playing. Soon, other people "join in" with the game. However, when these people "got shot" they didn't get back up again. At first, Robert and I are oblivious to this but then we realise that we are surrounded by corpses. This is as far as we got this lesson, but we shall finish this scene next time.