Friday 11 September 2015

"I Don't Like Monday's" devised piece

We were given three stimuli to use for this devised piece: a quote (on the left), a photograph (right) and song lyrics ("I don't like Mondays" by Boomtown Rats). My group decided to use certain elements from each stimulus and we thought of reasons which could trigger someone to kill someone. We decided that bullying would be the best option, as we could easily fit that into the school theme.

We began our piece with the serial killer schoolgirl (Katya) sitting on the floor, doing a monologue on "how to kill somebody". In which, she describes her desired murder weapon and how to carry out the act. She is then confronted by her "emotions": innocence (played by James), anger (played by Lewis), fear (myself) and depression (Oliver). Her "emotions" act as her conscience and confuse her, leaving her on the floor in a laughing fit, whilst they observe the (metaphorical) glass wall between her and the outside world formed by depression.

We then developed a physical theatre scene where innocence is pushed away from her by anger, whilst she is taken aback by fear and depression. Afterwards, we flash backed to the week leading up to her massacre. I played the role of the bully, whilst Oliver was the teacher and Lewis and James kept their characters as anger and innocence. As the school week progressed, innocence began to be overpowered by anger, leading to her massacre on the last day of the school week.

The murder scene was constructed in a Brechtian manner, with Lewis, James, Oliver and I miming the stabbing facing Katya, with Katya narrating her actions facing us. The final line of our piece was Katya saying "class dismissed". We thought this was an appropriate line to end with as it keeps to the school theme yet also shows her crazy and deranged personality.