Tuesday 29 September 2015

The Flint Street Nativity - Play, by Tim Firth (2) (Cast list // DVD)

29/09/15                                     Today the cast list was revealed:
-  Mary = Lorna                  -  Ass = Charlie      
-  Wise Gold = Hope          -  Gabriel = Rhiannon  
-  Narrator = Ollie M            - Shepherd = Kat
-  Star = Lewis                   -  Wise Frank = Oliver K
-  Herod = Robert               -  Innkeeper = James        
-  Angel = Cel

Firstly, we watched a part of the DVD of the play to get a better understanding of our parts. We then read through the entire script as a group. Any questions we then had about the piece were answered. As a lot of editing had to be done to the script (due to our cast having an extra boy and being one girl short, and also as we do not have an Indian girl in our cast), we quickly ran out of time this lesson to get any further.

01/10/15 & 02/10/15

On the first day of the month, we finished off watching the DVD, however, it seemed to be very different from our scripts (as there were additional characters, and the characters had different names). We also finished off reading the rest of the script and highlighting. On the second, we staged the first scene in its entirety and worked on the first song.