Thursday 24 September 2015

Storytelling (3) (Script Writing)

Image result for jack and jill23/09/15
This lesson we had to get in pairs and write a script; this script could either be of a story we already knew or one we could make up. James and I went together and decided to choose a story that we already knew, but we would give it a different angle. We chose to re-write the story of "Jack and Jill" in the bucket's (pale of water's) perspective. Our scene began with Bucket and a councillor sitting in an interview room. Bucket is suffering with PTSD and pours(!) it's heart out to the councillor. It explains it's version of events whilst the councillor listens, makes notes and asks questions.


Today we performed our scripted pieces to the rest of the class. The class seemed to enjoy mine and James's piece, describing it as really clever. Miss Cordell said that she liked how we "took a nursery rhyme and made it dark and twisted". We were also told the grading criteria for storytelling units and how to achieve the top grades.