Wednesday 2 December 2015

Storytelling (11) (The Snow Queen)

Today we completed the first scene of "The Snow Queen". Below is what we did...
  • "dashed in a hundred million and more pieces" - all lay down
    • represents the mirror being smashed into small pieces
  • "as a grain of sand" - contract into a small ball
    • represents size or mirror pieces
  • "evil" - get up
  • "the very smallest bit had the same power" - CS is hoisted up by LF, OK, RA and RD. JBC and LC mime pulling him up
    • represents the mirror's power as a whole formed by all the little pieces
  • "Some persons even got... for their heart became" - CS in centre with everyone else moving in towards him moving their hands in and out quickly twice on each step
    • represents the heartbeat of the people and death slowly encasing them 
  • "lump of ice" - form circle around CS
    • represents an ice block encasing the heart
  • "Then the wicked sprite laughed..." - everyone performs a backbend in accumulation around the circle, starting with me. We all come up to standing at the same time and remain there
The rest of this lesson was spent cutting down the next scene as a group. The scene was far too long so we started cutting out parts that we didn't think we needed.