Thursday 10 December 2015

The Flint Street Nativity - Play, by Tim Firth (17) (Songs // Promotion)


Today we had a lesson on songs. We went through them in order and found appropriate backing tracks for them. The first song ("O come all ye faithful") we were all confident with, so we rehearsed it with movement too. My duet with Rhiannon ("A way to kill Mary") was altered today as Rhiannon was having trouble fitting all of her lyrics to the song. We decided to cut out the middle verse, which thankfully for me is the verse that I "la" and dance to! For my duet with Robert ("Watch how Mummy does it"), we decided to end the song on the line "and go!". This is because we are not sure how to fit the rest of the lyrics to the tune. Although the line "and go" is only Mary's line in the script, we have decided that both of us shall sing this line to add closure to the song.The ensemble song, "Silent Night", needed a lot of work today. Although we knew the tune, lyrics and the spoken lines, we were unsure on our cues and so we got confused, thus resulting in our movements not being convincing.


I have set up a Facebook event to advertise the show to ensure we have an audience! As we have worked hard on this play, we would like to have a decent sized audience. The other reason why I set up this event was to get feedback. From other events I have been apart of, people often put feedback on the event page, so hopefully we might also get feedback which we would be able to use in our evaluation. Since this screenshot was taken, many more people have been invited and I am constantly getting notifications informing me that more people are attending.

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