Friday 4 December 2015

Theatre for Children (16) (Dress run)

Today was our first complete dress rehearsal for FMF. Below are bullet points of what went well this rehearsal, what we need to do to improve and a list of what we need to take with us and what we need to wear.

What went well:
-  (Charlie) Engaged audience instantly with his character
-  (All) Costumes looked effective. Instantly understood who characters were
-  (Lorna) Characterisation of Fox Cub and Rat were convincing and contrasting
-  (Lewis) Characterisation of Rabbit was hilarious! Movement was very comical
-  (Lewis) Bean's voice was maintained throughout and was a contrast to the other farmers
-  (Rhiannon) Softer approach to Mrs Fox was refreshing and endearing
-  (General) All music worked effectively at creating the right atmosphere
-  (All) "The Race" scene was very comical and timing worked well
-  (All) "You Got a Friend in Me" song was a nice ending
-  (Lorna & Lewis) Good consistent focus

What needs improving/changing/adding:
  • (Majority) No talking in the wings
  • (All) Transition between Fox introduction and Farmer introduction needs to be smoother - as to ensure a seamless performance and to make the piece easier to understand
  • (Charlie) "Fried chicken" section needs to be louder - so he is heard
  • (Oliver & James) Learn lines - to ensure all of cues are there, both for cast members and for music
  • (Oliver) Have more energy and involve kids more - to ensure their attention is kept
  • (Oliver) Repeat farmers rhyme/song about four times so audience can join in - young audience will enjoy joining in
  • (Robert) Eat food during the shooting scene to make it more comical
  • (Lorna) Have a backpack for after I've been told to "get my things" - to make the narrative make sense
  • (Lewis) Have a walkie talkie prop for Bean contacting Mabel
  • (Charlie) More dad dancing during the song - to make it more comical
  • (James)  Make fox cub more convincing and maintain Bunce stance - for continuity and entertainment

Costumes & Props:
  • CHARLIE: Blue suit trousers, blue jacket, white shirt, black bow tie, black shoes, fox ears, fox tail
  • RHIANNON: Dress, leggings (under dress), apron, vest top (under dress), fox ears, fox tail
  • JAMES: Black joggers, black top, farmers hat, spade, gun, fox tail, fox ears
  • LORNA: Black leggings, black top, fox ears, fox tail, rat mask, backpack
  • LEWIS: Black joggers, black top, farmers hat, gun, shovel, necklace (to attach tail to later), rabbit ears, rabbit tail
  • ROBERT: Black joggers, black top, farmers hat, spoon, food, inflatable belly, glasses
  • OLIVER: Black trousers, white shirt, black waistcoat, glasses, smart shoes
  • GENERAL: Three stalls, eight chickens, cider jar, speaker and Lewis's phone (for music)