Thursday 3 December 2015

Theatre for Children (15) (Props)

Today I almost completed the props for FMF. I cut out all of the chickens and the cider jar. I then went over the black pen to make it stand out more and to neaten the edges of the cardboard. I realised that it was important that I re-enforced the chickens and the jar as I didn't want them to bend and get weak whilst rehearsing with them and during the shows. If I didn't re-enforce them, they could bend and possible rip, making them look less professional for the next performance and also being an inconvenience to us. I re-enforced the props by sticking more cardboard to the back of all them, especially to the places where the cardboard is narrower and more likely to bend (e.g. the bones of the chicken legs and the handle of the cider jar). Originally, I wasn't going to paint the rest of the cider jar; I was just going to leave it brown, as the jars are normally a shade of brown. However, as it is a children's theatre piece, I wanted to make the jar stand out more and look a little bit more exciting, so I thought that yellow would brighten it up a little bit. It would also form a contrast to us actors as we are all wearing black.