Friday 18 December 2015

Storytelling (13) (The Snow Queen)


Today I helped James with some of his scene (Scene Two).He decided that he wanted to use the idea of silhouettes. His narration will be live, and he wanted to have some music underneath. He told me what he wanted to portray in this scene and what sort of atmosphere he wanted to create, and then he asked me to help him choreograph this. Today, we choreographed a dance section, consisting of lifts and supported leans to symbolise the relationship between Kay and Gerda. The two lifts are very close and intimate which show the children's close bond. The supported leans show that they care for each other and look out for one another. Below is a video of what we have choreographed so far.


Today I choreographed more of the dance and taught it to the other three. The new chroegraphhy involves more lifts, and even a short game of pat-a-cake (to show that we are representing children). As James wanted to use the idea of silhouettes, we decided that Lewis and I will be in front of the sheet (as we are Kay and Gerda), whilst Charlie and Oliver will be behind the sheet, so will appear as silhouettes. Next lesson, we shall complete the duet sequence and fit it with the narration, and also film it so we can watch it back and decided if we need to adjust anything.