Monday 18 July 2016

"Dr Faustus" - Marlowe (27) (Final Rehearsals)

Periods 3 & 4:
  • Put all of our set in place
  • Drew the pentagrams on the flat
  • Set up the lighting and went through our lighting plan with Dan
  • Got the sound files together
  • Ran Act One
Periods 5 & 6:
  • Ran Act Two
  • Blocked the final scene (Faustus ends centre stage, and there is a black out as he runs off screaming. I enter as Murdock looking for him, but ending up finding his pocket watch. I hold the pocket watch up)
  • Ran Act One again as it didn't go to smoothly on the first run (a couple of scenes were skipped)
  • We got into costume and took photos
  • Went through the lighting for Act Two
  • Made a decision - unfortunately we had to scrap all of the projections due to the cable not being long enough, which would result in someone having to be on stage, but no one could have done this and it wouldn't look right

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