Tuesday 27 October 2015

London Riots Devised Piece (10)


Today we did a run-through of all scenes apart from the interview duologues. In this run we focused on timing and transitions. Our transitions needed polishing as they are essential to making our performanceflow properly. After this run, we split of into our partners to rehearse our interview duologues, as we had only done these scenes once. We then performed these mini scenes to the rest of the class. I was told that my body language and use of voice were very convincing, but we needed to work out a way to end the scene, as we were unsure on how to do this.

   -   Character Profiles

Character profiles are useful for getting a better understanding of your characters. On the inside of the ginger bread men outlines, I wrote down the character;s internal emotions and the reasons for these emotions. On the outside of the outline are external factors effecting the character and an explanation of each.