Sunday 18 October 2015

London Riots Devised Piece (8)


In this lesson, we rehearsed our opening scene again and polished other sections of our piece. We have established who shall take part in which scenes. Originally, we all devised two mini paired scenes (a police officer interviewing a rioter and a counselling session with a police officer and a psychiatrist). Now, Lewis and Ashley will perform their rioter and police officer scene, as will Tom and Rhiannon. Toby and I will perform a police officer counselling session and so will Tom and Dan. We have decided that everyone will only perform one duologue each as to ensure the entire piece isn't too long, but also to keep the audience's attention. Moreover, we have decided that we will only perform little sections of our MP speech monologues (as if we performed all of them, the piece would be extremely long).

As I was going to be doing a counselling session scene, I decided to do some research into what sort of questions a psychiatrist would ask and what sort of things they would say, as to make the scene more accurate. What I have found so far/what sort of things I shall say is as follows:
   - Good to see you again, (name).
   - Overall, how would you describe your mood today?
   - So, in light of our last session, what have you been thinking and perhaps doing?
   - What would it take to make you feel more contended, happier and more satisfied?
The reason a psychiatrist would say the first bullet point is to make the client feel welcome and to show them that the psychiatrist is genuinely pleased to see them. The second bullet point is basically asking the client how they are but in a way that gets an honest answer without pressurising them.  The final bullet points find out what the client has been thinking and doing and what they want/need to improve.

I found the first and third bullet points on a website about how to start and end a counselling session ( The second and fourth are from a website regarding questions councillors ask and why (