Tuesday 27 October 2015

Theatre for Children (6) (Blocking // Scripting)


Today we ran the scenes we already had but this time applying what we learned in our Laban Movement workshop. This greatly improved our scenes as our characters were more convincing. Also, as Robert and I were struggling with our characters of Boggis and Bunce we split from the rest of the group to work on our characterisation. Although we could have established our body language on our own, we decided to do it together as to make a bigger contrast between our two stances, thus making our characters more comical. By next lesson we hope to have established our character's voices too.


-   rough outline established for "The Feast" scene (All)
-   scripted and blocked opening scene (Farmers and Narrator)
-   blocked and roughly scripted the "Starvation Begins" scene (Foxes)
-   set ideas agreed

-   script "Starvation" scene
-   bring in costume parts we have at home to practice in
-   buy costume parts we don't have
-   get materials to make set

As we most likely won't have wings or anywhere to get changed, we have decided to make a bit of our set big enough to get changed behind. We have decided that we will make a tree for this purpose. The tree doesn't have to be tall as we can duck when we change, but it will need to be wide so we are not seen by the audience. We will start making designs for this piece of set for next lesson.