Wednesday 4 November 2015

London Riots Devised Piece (11)


Today we developed our MP speeches scene. We decided that each of us would say a random section of our monologue. This was so that the audience got an understanding of each party's view without having to listen to seven long monologues. Each person says only one part of their monologue once, apart from Toby, who says about three or four different sections. This is because his monologue is very random and adds a sense of confusion to the scene, which is realistic to the confusing situation at that time. The section of monologue I have chosen is the following:
"The last five days have been a dark time for everybody who cares about their community and their country. Destroyed homes, ruined livelihoods, taken lives... all due to the violence, arson and looting we have witnessed across several of our towns and cities. As long as we wish to call ourselves a civilised society, such disorder has no place in Britain."


This lesson we polished our MP scene. We created our lighting design and then set up the lights, taping the wires down too. This was essential so that we obliged the health and safety regulations. If we didn't tape the wires down, there would be a tripping risk and people could fall over and injure themselves. This could also knock the lights over and out of place and could damage them. We then rehearsed the scene with our lighting. As we step forward to do our mini speech the lighting colour changes to whatever party we are from (so as my MP character is conservative I have a blue wash when I speak, whilst Rhiannon has green as she is green party, Ashley has purple as he is UKIP, and so on).


Today we did our first complete full run through. Our lighting was very effective and the music and sound worked well to create the appropriate atmosphere. What we need to work on as a group are our transitions (to make the piece seamless) and the opening scene (as we weren't sure on the timing of our freeze frames). The other thing that we need to work on is the final scene (il Manors reprise) as we have to embody gorillas whilst arguing like politician. We were finding this difficult as our body language is completely opposite (and very demanding) to our voices. Therefore we will have to keep working on this so we feel more comfortable.