Thursday 5 November 2015

The Flint Street Nativity - Play, by Tim Firth (8) (Script work)


Today we ran the whole of Act One once, as we have been rehearsing the adult section a lot, but we only sang one of the songs (as we are going to spend a lesson in the future purely on the songs). After this run we discussed what needed improving, this included more energy, remembering the spot light positioning and remembering our cues. We decided that we would run this act again as far as we could in the remainder of the lesson. We wasn't able to finish this act but we managed to fix what needed correcting.

I am also up to date with annotations on my script. I have got into the habit of adding notes to my script as soon as we block a scene. I have now also altered the lines that needed changing in our script, which I have been meaning to do for a little while. Although the lines that needed changing were not my own, I still altered them in my script in case one of the effected characters weren't in during a rehearsal so I could stand in for them. One thing that has been changed was the character of Angel's name from Shamima to Poppy, as our cast member playing this character is not Indian. This also made her breakfast game (on page 26) make no sense, so we have changed "India" to "Chatham", "Pakistan" to "Hempstead" and "coon" to "chav". We also decided to update the script a little bit, so we have changed the "Westlife bag" to the "One Direction bag" and the "Netto bag" to "the Aldi bag". Furthermore, all places have been changed to make the piece more comical, for example, "Morecombe" has become "Sheppey" and "Maghul" is "Rainham", etc.