Friday 27 November 2015

London Riots Devised Piece (Performance Evaluation)

On Monday 23rd November we performed our London Riots Devised Piece. Overall we were pleased with our performance, although there were areas for improvement. Below is an evaluation of what went well, what didn't go as well as planned, and what we would do differently next time if we were to do it again (and time and money were not an issue). The numbers refer to what scene the comment fits with (1 = "ill Manors"; 2 = Tom & Rhi duologue; 3 = Lew & Ash duologue; 4 = Emotional turmoil scene; 5 = Dan & Tom duologue; 6 = Toby & Lorna duologue; 7 = Consequences; 8 = MP speeches; 9 = "ill Manors" reprise; G = generic / the piece in general).

  • 1) Lew's fall down the stairs was very convincing.
  • 1) Transition from "chavs" to gorillas was very smooth, making the scene run more seamlessly.
  • 1) I did this movement scene to the best of my ability. As my toe was still painful, I decided to stay sitting on the table, and use my upper body to show that I was acting as a gorilla. 
  • 1) The whole of our performance space was used well.
  • 1) Siren integrated into the music track was very effective. Gave us the cue to exit, so we all left at the same time, making the transition smooth. The siren also gave us a reason to leave, we didn't want to get caught by the police.
  • 2) Tom & Rhi's body language was very effective and convincing. 
  • 2) The contrast between moments of quiet compared to when they both spoke over each other added to the audience's feeling of being uncomfortable and confusion. 
  • 3) Lew used his shuffling body language to portray that the police felt uncomfortable. 
  • 4) Animation was effective and timing was strong between movement and lighting.
  • 4) Mine and Tom's duet scene went well regards my broken toe. This scene was VERY painful, but I continued to the best of my ability. 
  • 5) Tom & Dan's use of pauses were very effective. They allowed the audience to take in the situation and reflect on it themselves. 
  • 6) I thought my questions made my character believable as I had researched these to make my character as believable and as convincing as possible.
  • 6) Toby's use of breath was effective to show how difficult the situation is for his character and how much he is struggling. 
  • 7) We were all still when the lights came on, rather than still moving into our freeze frames.
  • 7) I think mine and Rhiannon's facial expressions were effective in this scene. 
  • 8) I maintained my voice and attitude during my speech and used my body language to suggest that I am sympathetic yet am demanding action to be taken.
  • 8) I managed to maintain a straight face during Toby's comical mini monologues. 
  • 9) We achieved the combination of gorilla movements and MP voices. 
  • G) The lighting was very effective, creating the appropriate atmosphere for each scene.
  • G) The majority of our transitions were smooth.
  • 1) I physically couldn't do as much as I would have liked to in this scene because of my toe, but I did what I could to the best of my ability.
  • 3) Lined paper (preferably that had been written on) should have been used to represent the witness statements, as from where I was standing (at the opposite end of the room) I could see that it was Lewis's class work (due to the ginger bread man outline!).
  • 4) The music was played four counts to early, so the boys had to rush a little bit (and do weren't in time with each other all the time) as so the rest of the piece would be in time. 
  • 4) During the duet with Tom, I ended up limping a little bit due to the amount of pain I was in, but I tried my best to continue without making my pain obvious. 
  • 6) Although Toby put in so much emotion into this scene, he could have spoken a bit louder as to ensure he was audible at all times. I was probably too quiet as well as I got engrossed in his emotion and forgot about the volume. Although we could hear each other, the audience may not!
  • 7) In this transition into the MP scene, Rhiannon's top came off as she removed her hoodie. Thankfully she was wearing my vest top underneath, but the idea of the top (that came off) was to make her look smarter.
  • 8) Not everyone managed to keep a straight face during Toby's monologues. 
  • All wear zipped hoodies to make changing easier.
  • Ensure we have all appropriate props pre-set before the performance.
  • Ensure timings for music and cues are all written down.
  • Make sure that we project enough so that everyone can hear.
  • Not get injured before the performance!!!
  • Keep rehearsing scenes we have a tendency to laugh in when we shouldn't.