Saturday 14 November 2015

Theatre for Children (10) (Forum Theatre // Script work)


Today, James was put in to the farmers scenes properly. We all took part in a forum theatre of the "Plan for the shooting" scene. Areas that we (Charlie, Rhiannon and I) thought could do with improving the most were James's stance, Robert's and James's reaction to Lewis's entrance and the slapstick section. I tried to help James with his stance, as I had developed my stance for Bunce when I used to play this role. James had a great stance when he was stationary, but when he had to move or interact with another character, his stance would go from Bunce back to James. I thought Robert's and James's reaction to Lewis's entrance was very comical (with James jumping up in to Robert's arms and being held by him) but not very practical; we didn't think this lift would be possible or safe when Robert has his costume on (which will involve padding). This lift was then changed into a hug as it was safer and more practical. The slapstick section was great but we have tweaked it a little bit just to make it that slight bit more exaggerated and more funny.

Whilst James, Robert and Lewis continued to work on their scenes after our feedback, the rest of us decided to re-script the opening scene for the foxes: "Mr Fox". We decided to re-script his scene because we hadn't rehearsed it in a long time so we had forgotten parts and so the scene didn't feel natural, but also so we could add in some narration. Furthermore, we wanted to make sure all the fox characters were introduced properly so the audience understand who we all are from the start. We feel this is essential so they connect with our characters.


Achieved this lesson:
    • Established who has what and what we definitely need to buy
    • Accompaniment:
      • Drumming whenever there is no dialogue to create tension and atmosphere
    • Dance-based:
      • Farmers rolls and positions as well as use of cannon
      • Mr Fox uses back bends and jumps
    • "The Terrible Tractors":
      • Narration and Fox cub used to establish the farmers have tractors
    • "The Race":
      • All in slow-motion to "Chariots of Fire" theme, with narration over the top
      • Begins with foxes putting on sweat bands and getting into a sprint start position
      • Foxes run in slow motion whilst the farmers mime driving their tractors in slow-mo
      • Foxes cross "the finish line" and celebrate, running away
      • Scene ends with the farmers being angry but Boggis crying.