Friday 27 November 2015

Storytelling (10) (The Snow Queen)

Today we continued working on the first scene. We have slightly altered parts of the scene but I added a lot more to it today. We didn't manage to complete this scene as we had to ensure that we all turned the same way to make our piece look professional. Below is what the scene now consists of and the reasons I made these choices... (Seven masks are in a straight line at the front of our performance space for later use in the scene)
  • Start in a circle, facing in. Right hand on the person on your left's right shoulder.
    • Intrigue audience. They have no idea what is going on and therefore may feel tense.
  • "let us begin." - Move to random positions facing random directions.
    • Audience are confused as to what is beginning. Also, no idea who's voice is speaking. Adds to eerie atmosphere.
  • "reflected" - Turn 180 degrees (over right shoulder)
    • Fitting, makes sense as the movement represents the word. Shows literal change.
  • "poor and mean" - Two contractions.
    • Body shape become uglier and shows progression of power of mirror.
  • "magnified" - Exaggerate last position.
    • Movement represents the word. Show increase/magnification of mirror's power.
  • "In this mirror the most" - Walk to straight line at front.
    • We represent the mirror's face.
  • "their faces" - Pick up mask.
  • "distorted that they..." - Put mask on.
    • Represents how you can't tell who we each are. Identity disappears.
  • "recognised" - Turn 180 degrees to face back (over right shoulder)
    • Even harder to tell who each of us are. Emphasises the idea of missing identity.
  • "and if anyone had a mole" - Move to circle, facing out.
  • "magnified" - Form levels and reaches in different directions.
    • Adds depth, magnifies weirdness. No longer uniformed and clean.
  • ""That's glorious fun!"" - Walk quickly to line at front.
    • Represents excitement, yet has an element of being sinister and threatening.
  • "If a good thought passed" - Cannon of left arm sweeping from right to left.
    • Symbolises the thought gradually coming to the sprite.
  • "then a grin" - James smiles and points to his mouth
    • Little bit of humour to release tension momentarily.
  • "All the little sprites..." - Move to formation (RD & JBC front / LC, CS & RA second line / LF & OK back line)
    • Represent school classroom. Formation specific to allow for next lift.
  • "They ran about" - CS holds arms out strong, as LF & OK lift him, by his arms. RD, JBC, LC & RA split to make room for the lift to move forwards and back. CS moves legs to look as if he's running.
  • "fly up to the sky" - CS lifted by LF (left shoulder and arm), OK (right shoulder and arm), LC (bottom) & RA (legs). RD & JBC mask lift.
    • Symbolises flying.
  • "that it flew out" - Drop CS (safely!).
    • CS represents the mirror 
  • "dashed" - Everyone lies down.
    • Represents the mirror being broken. 
I decided to cut down certain parts of the script to make it more suitable. I cut out some lines whilst the lift was taking to place so we didn't have to hold the lift for so long, thus making the lift easier as safer too. I ensured that these lines were not essential so it didn't effect the story line and the scenes to follow.